Thursday, August 9, 2007

Messenger Café — open for fun 24/7. Hot games, cool activities served daily.

I can remember when I was amazed by the first instant message systems on the Internet. Now they are interactive. If you have not yet seen this new one, click on the title and run your mouse over the page and see all the things this messenger has in addition to everything on the house menu. Technology expands way faster than any of us can keep up! This is pretty cool.

Tony vs. Paul! Best "stop motion video" I have ever seen made!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

New York, New York!

Rodney and I flew to New York to see our son, Jeff and his wife Ginger. These are pictures of Jeff in Times Square, a picture of me and Rodney in Times Square, me coming out of Penn Station - we had taken the train from Long Island to NYC, and Madison Square Gardens. I think we took close to 300 pictures and I haven't been through them all yet! We only spent one day in NYC. The rest of the time we spent in the Hamptons. Hopefully I will be able to post some info about our time there also! Ever have one of those vacations that you need a vacation when you return home? This was one of those! I think it took me about 3 days to recover!

Senate rejects extra $300 million for Real ID

Great news! In reference to The New World Order is Here, Congress recently has stalled this action. Click on the title and check it out!