Thursday, July 3, 2008

Lost Friends

I guess I am the world's worst about keeping track of friends. I just don't do it. The people that I hung out with for the first 35 years of my life I never see anymore with the exception of one person. Then, I lived in another town for 9 years. Made a lot of friends there. But I have been here for 9 years and I simply do not have any contact with the friends I had there. It is sort of out of sight, out of mind. I know at first it was because I was so busy raising kids, working, etc... These last nine years I worked two jobs and had no time for friends. Sure we had the occasional party and the college kids after they were all 21 hung out at our house many weekends. They came from OU, OSU, NSU, Connors, and other colleges and then they all got into their late 20's and they have kids now and it's too hard to get together like that.

Everything is temporary if you give it enough time. Or at least that is what Jewel says. I tried to get in touch with a friend I had in high school. We are having our 35 year reunion in September but it is the same weekend that my daughter is getting married so I won't be going to that. Probably wouldn't go anyway. But, as I said, I have tried to get hold of the one person from high school that I had a friendship that lasted up into our late 30's before she moved out of state. She is being like me. Not interested. Too much time has passed. She is a right wing republican and I am a semi conservative democrat. She has a whole passel of grandkids and I have none. I had to face the fact that anything in common we ever did share we no longer do. I saw a picture of her. She has had enough face lifts and botox that she looks like she is stretched tight and doesn't look anything like the way I remember her. I still have all my original wrinkles.

I feel my age. The biggest thing on my calendar is doctor's appointments and I am still not diagnosed. Soon it will be a year since I have been trying to find the source of my problem so we could FIX it. I have had so many needles stuck into arms, legs,hips, back, etc.... I have had every spinal injection they can do and none of it has worked. Next Friday I go into the Spine Hospital again. This time for a spinal tap and Cat-Scan with contrast and on a tilting board to view the spine in as many positions as possible. It seems that something is hiding behind the bones and does not show up in MRI's. The spinal fluid is also something they will test.

I used a cane for awhile. Today I had to use a wheelchair. I really don't want this to be a permanent thing. I have been going to the Pain Management Center for months now. I go there in pain, they inflict more pain on me, and then they ask me how I am managing. I see now how they got that name.

I don't like drugs. I don't like narcotics or pain pills. I may have to start taking them just to function. It won't be me anymore. My body is wearing out before my mind. Sometimes I think it would be much better if it was the other way around....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think you really mean that: "Sometimes I think it would be much better if it was the other way around" in regards to losing your mind before your body. Body parts can be repaired or replaced; it is much harder, if not impossible, to "replace or repair" what it stored in the mind. Like you always say: "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"... they never say that about the body, do they? Your back will get better. The pain you experience is not just in your head, so something exists to be found! It's just a matter of a competent specialist using the right instruments to FIND it!
I hope you keep in touch... I'd like to know how the spinal tap works out this Friday. Good luck!

-Jen Gamage