Monday, December 22, 2008

The Commercialism of Christmas

I don't like Christmas anymore. I used to love it. But trying to buy presents for 2 sets of parents whose houses are full and overflowing, who have every thing in the world that they want, is impossible. I don't know what to give my grown children. I haven't picked out their clothes since they were 10 years old. When your kids are in their late 20's and early 30's and you have no grandchildren, there is just not much drive to shop.

When the kids lived at home - whole different story. I really wanted to make them great memories. The nights I stayed up all night putting toys together; the days I spent in the kitchen making and decorating sugar cookies or making fudge and cakes and all those Christmas goodies; putting up 4 or 5 trees throughout the house plus a Santa Claus collection exceeding 100 Santas and tons of other decorations as well; the times outside putting lights up and making cedar trees into outside Christmas trees - all of those times are just over. There is no longer a point to it. We live in the middle of nowhere next to nothing.

I guess I am a scrooge in a way except that I am very generous with the amounts that I do give those I give gifts to. The greatest invention ever was the gift card.

It does not seem to have any meaning because it has been commercialized into the ground. I hear the stores are crowded. I wouldn't know. I have not set foot in one for weeks now.

My husband decided he wants a new TV for Christmas. He has a big screen TV that is only about 5 years old right now. It is perfectly fine. Why he wants a new one when there is nothing wrong with this one and as expensive as they are, well, I guess that must just be a man thing. He waited until today, December 22, to ask me what I would like for Christmas. idea and it's probably a little late to shop without being mobbed and possibly injured.

So far this year I have boycotted New Year's, Valentine's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Memorial Day, Halloween, and almost thanksgiving - but I went to my son in law's mother's house for that. I would boycott Christmas completely except my in laws decided they were coming up here. I do hope my son driving in from Albuquerque gets here before they do so I can spend at least a little time alone with him, but I doubt that. Always when he is here, someone else is here the entire time as well.

Oh and the main thing I am boycotting as a self described scrooge - my birthday. Sure they are fun when you are little, but like Christmas, you reach a point where they are just downright depressing! Can I have do overs? Coz I would do it all over completely differently!


beth said...

There's time to do-over, starting right now. There are plenty of us out there, celebrating the holidays without all the commercialism. Hop on board!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gayla
You cannot boycott your is against the rules...remember the rules?? The rules that Mary's little lamb broke?
What you can do is make a new rule...Like maybe your birthday only counts if you spend it in Nebraska!!