Sunday, April 29, 2007

Check out my husband's new website!

He finally did it! I have felt for years that Rodney should put up a website and he has been working diligently on it and it is now out there on the www. I worked with him on developing some of his graphics, logo, and as his content editor. I certainly could not write the content since the last thing I am is a CPA! It is a huge and amazing site. The only thing he has not written is an "about me" page. You know the old joke about CPA's. They are generally introverted and talk to you while looking at their own shoes. Not him! When he talks to you, he looks at YOUR shoes! So, I feel it is my duty to continue to harass him until he completes an "about me" page as he does have many hobbies and interests and collections that I think people would find quite interesting!

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